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go语言 http模型reactor示例详解

这篇文章主要介绍了go语言 http模型reactor,接下来看一段基于reactor的示例,这里运行通过 go run main.go,本文结合示例代码给大家介绍的非常详细,需要的朋友可以参考下



接下来看一段基于reactor的示例。这里运行通过 go run main.go.
然后curl -i效果如下,也是返回了我们期望的结果

go语言 http模型reactor示例详解

package main

import (


var res string

type request struct {
	proto, method string
	path, query   string
	head, body    string
	remoteAddr    string

type httpServer struct {

var (
	errMsg      = "Internal Server Error"
	errMsgBytes = []byte(errMsg)

type httpCodec struct {
	req request

func (hc *httpCodec) Encode(c gnet.Conn, buf []byte) (out []byte, err error) {
	if c.Context() == nil {
		return buf, nil
	return appendResp(out, "500 Error", "", errMsg+"\n"), nil

func (hc *httpCodec) Decode(c gnet.Conn) (out []byte, err error) {
	buf := c.Read()

	// process the pipeline
	var leftover []byte
	leftover, err = parseReq(buf, &hc.req)
	// bad thing happened
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	} else if len(leftover) == len(buf) {
		// request not ready, yet
	out = appendHandle(out, res)

	buf = leftover
	goto pipeline

func (hs *httpServer) OnInitComplete(srv gnet.Server) (action gnet.Action) {
	//log.Printf("HTTP server is listening on %s (multi-cores: %t, loops: %d)\n",
	//	srv.Addr.String(), srv.Multicore, srv.NumEventLoop)

func (hs *httpServer) React(frame []byte, c gnet.Conn) (out []byte, action gnet.Action) {
	if c.Context() != nil {
		// bad thing happened
		out = errMsgBytes
		action = gnet.Close
	// handle the request
	out = frame

func main() {
	var port int
	var multicore bool

	// Example command: go run http.go --port 8080 --multicore=true
	flag.IntVar(&port, "port", 8888, "server port")
	flag.BoolVar(&multicore, "multicore", true, "multicore")

	res = "Hello World!\r\n"

	http := new(httpServer)
	hc := new(httpCodec)

	// Start serving!
	log.Fatal(gnet.Serve(http, fmt.Sprintf("tcp://:%d", port), gnet.WithMulticore(multicore), gnet.WithCodec(hc), gnet.WithNumEventLoop(3), gnet.WithReusePort(true)))

// appendHandle handles the incoming request and appends the response to
// the provided bytes, which is then returned to the caller.
func appendHandle(b []byte, res string) []byte {
	return appendResp(b, "200 OK", "", res)

// appendResp will append a valid http response to the provide bytes.
// The status param should be the code plus text such as "200 OK".
// The head parameter should be a series of lines ending with "\r\n" or empty.
func appendResp(b []byte, status, head, body string) []byte {
	b = append(b, "HTTP/1.1"...)
	b = append(b, ' ')
	b = append(b, status...)
	b = append(b, '\r', '\n')
	b = append(b, "Server: gnet\r\n"...)
	b = append(b, "Date: "...)
	b = time.Now().AppendFormat(b, "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT")
	b = append(b, '\r', '\n')
	if len(body) > 0 {
		b = append(b, "Content-Length: "...)
		b = strconv.AppendInt(b, int64(len(body)), 10)
		b = append(b, '\r', '\n')
	b = append(b, head...)
	b = append(b, '\r', '\n')
	if len(body) > 0 {
		b = append(b, body...)
	return b

func b2s(b []byte) string {
	return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))

func parseReq(data []byte, req *request) (leftover []byte, err error) {
	sdata := b2s(data)
	var i, s int
	var head string
	var clen int
	q := -1
	// method, path, proto line
	for ; i < len(sdata); i++ {
		if sdata[i] == ' ' {
			req.method = sdata[s:i]
			for i, s = i+1, i+1; i < len(sdata); i++ {
				if sdata[i] == '?' && q == -1 {
					q = i - s
				} else if sdata[i] == ' ' {
					if q != -1 {
						req.path = sdata[s:q]
						req.query = req.path[q+1 : i]
					} else {
						req.path = sdata[s:i]
					for i, s = i+1, i+1; i < len(sdata); i++ {
						if sdata[i] == '\n' && sdata[i-1] == '\r' {
							req.proto = sdata[s:i]
							i, s = i+1, i+1
	if req.proto == "" {
		return data, fmt.Errorf("malformed request")
	head = sdata[:s]
	for ; i < len(sdata); i++ {
		if i > 1 && sdata[i] == '\n' && sdata[i-1] == '\r' {
			line := sdata[s : i-1]
			s = i + 1
			if line == "" {
				req.head = sdata[len(head)+2 : i+1]
				if clen > 0 {
					if len(sdata[i:]) < clen {
					req.body = sdata[i : i+clen]
					i += clen
				return data[i:], nil
			if strings.HasPrefix(line, "Content-Length:") {
				n, err := strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSpace(line[len("Content-Length:"):]), 10, 64)
				if err == nil {
					clen = int(n)
	// not enough data
	return data, nil



// Serve starts handling events for the specified address.
// Address should use a scheme prefix and be formatted
// like `tcp://` or `unix://socket`.
// Valid network schemes:
//  tcp   - bind to both IPv4 and IPv6
//  tcp4  - IPv4
//  tcp6  - IPv6
//  udp   - bind to both IPv4 and IPv6
//  udp4  - IPv4
//  udp6  - IPv6
//  unix  - Unix Domain Socket
// The "tcp" network scheme is assumed when one is not specified.
func Serve(eventHandler EventHandler, protoAddr string, opts ...Option) (err error) {
    // 加载用户指定的配置
	options := loadOptions(opts...)

	logging.Debugf("default logging level is %s", logging.LogLevel())

	var (
		logger logging.Logger
		flush  func() error
	if options.LogPath != "" {
		if logger, flush, err = logging.CreateLoggerAsLocalFile(options.LogPath, options.LogLevel); err != nil {
	} else {
		logger = logging.GetDefaultLogger()
	if options.Logger == nil {
		options.Logger = logger
	defer func() {
		if flush != nil {
			_ = flush()

	// The maximum number of operating system threads that the Go program can use is initially set to 10000,
	// which should also be the maximum amount of I/O event-loops locked to OS threads that users can start up.
	// 为了防止线程过多
	if options.LockOSThread && options.NumEventLoop > 10000 {
		logging.Errorf("too many event-loops under LockOSThread mode, should be less than 10,000 "+
			"while you are trying to set up %d\n", options.NumEventLoop)
		return errors.ErrTooManyEventLoopThreads

	if rbc := options.ReadBufferCap; rbc <= 0 {
		options.ReadBufferCap = 0x10000
	} else {
		options.ReadBufferCap = internal.CeilToPowerOfTwo(rbc)
	// 解析addr
	network, addr := parseProtoAddr(protoAddr)

    // 初始化listener
	var ln *listener
	if ln, err = initListener(network, addr, options); err != nil {
	defer ln.close()

	return serve(eventHandler, ln, options, protoAddr)

可以看出来参数是EventHandler 这样的interface

type (
	// EventHandler represents the server events' callbacks for the Serve call.
	// Each event has an Action return value that is used manage the state
	// of the connection and server.
	EventHandler interface {
		// OnInitComplete fires when the server is ready for accepting connections.
		// The parameter:server has information and various utilities.
		OnInitComplete(server Server) (action Action)

		// OnShutdown fires when the server is being shut down, it is called right after
		// all event-loops and connections are closed.
		OnShutdown(server Server)

		// OnOpened fires when a new connection has been opened.
		// The parameter:c has information about the connection such as it's local and remote address.
		// Parameter:out is the return value which is going to be sent back to the client.
		// It is generally not recommended to send large amounts of data back to the client in OnOpened.
		// Note that the bytes returned by OnOpened will be sent back to client without being encoded.
		OnOpened(c Conn) (out []byte, action Action)

		// OnClosed fires when a connection has been closed.
		// The parameter:err is the last known connection error.
		OnClosed(c Conn, err error) (action Action)

		// PreWrite fires just before any data is written to any client socket, this event function is usually used to
		// put some code of logging/counting/reporting or any prepositive operations before writing data to client.

		// React fires when a connection sends the server data.
		// Call c.Read() or c.ReadN(n) within the parameter:c to read incoming data from client.
		// Parameter:out is the return value which is going to be sent back to the client.
		React(frame []byte, c Conn) (out []byte, action Action)

		// Tick fires immediately after the server starts and will fire again
		// following the duration specified by the delay return value.
		Tick() (delay time.Duration, action Action)

	// EventServer is a built-in implementation of EventHandler which sets up each method with a default implementation,
	// you can compose it with your own implementation of EventHandler when you don't want to implement all methods
	// in EventHandler.
	EventServer struct{}



func initListener(network, addr string, options *Options) (l *listener, err error) {
	var sockopts []socket.Option
	// 判断是否开启重复使用端口
	if options.ReusePort || strings.HasPrefix(network, "udp") {
		sockopt := socket.Option{SetSockopt: socket.SetReuseport, Opt: 1}
		sockopts = append(sockopts, sockopt)
    // 是否开启nagle算法 默认是关闭
	if options.TCPNoDelay == TCPNoDelay && strings.HasPrefix(network, "tcp") {
		sockopt := socket.Option{SetSockopt: socket.SetNoDelay, Opt: 1}
		sockopts = append(sockopts, sockopt)
    // 设置socket的recv buffer
	if options.SocketRecvBuffer > 0 {
		sockopt := socket.Option{SetSockopt: socket.SetRecvBuffer, Opt: options.SocketRecvBuffer}
		sockopts = append(sockopts, sockopt)
    // 设置socket的send buffer
	if options.SocketSendBuffer > 0 {
		sockopt := socket.Option{SetSockopt: socket.SetSendBuffer, Opt: options.SocketSendBuffer}
		sockopts = append(sockopts, sockopt)
	l = &listener{network: network, addr: addr, sockopts: sockopts}
	err = l.normalize()


// tcpSocket creates an endpoint for communication and returns a file descriptor that refers to that endpoint.
// Argument `reusePort` indicates whether the SO_REUSEPORT flag will be assigned.
func tcpSocket(proto, addr string, sockopts ...Option) (fd int, netAddr net.Addr, err error) {
	var (
		family   int
		ipv6only bool
		sockaddr unix.Sockaddr
    // 获取地址
	if sockaddr, family, netAddr, ipv6only, err = getTCPSockaddr(proto, addr); err != nil {

    // 调用 底层的socket方法
    // 调用 unix.Socket(family, sotype|unix.SOCK_NONBLOCK|unix.SOCK_CLOEXEC, proto) 
	if fd, err = sysSocket(family, unix.SOCK_STREAM, unix.IPPROTO_TCP); err != nil {
		err = os.NewSyscallError("socket", err)
	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
			_ = unix.Close(fd)

	if family == unix.AF_INET6 && ipv6only {
		if err = SetIPv6Only(fd, 1); err != nil {
    // 添加率socket的一些自定义参数
	for _, sockopt := range sockopts {
		if err = sockopt.SetSockopt(fd, sockopt.Opt); err != nil {
    // bind
	if err = os.NewSyscallError("bind", unix.Bind(fd, sockaddr)); err != nil {
    // 设置半连接数量的最大值
	// Set backlog size to the maximum.
	err = os.NewSyscallError("listen", unix.Listen(fd, listenerBacklogMaxSize))



func serve(eventHandler EventHandler, listener *listener, options *Options, protoAddr string) error {
	// Figure out the proper number of event-loops/goroutines to run.
	numEventLoop := 1
	if options.Multicore {
		numEventLoop = runtime.NumCPU()
	if options.NumEventLoop > 0 {
		numEventLoop = options.NumEventLoop
    // 实例化server
	svr := new(server)
	svr.opts = options
	svr.eventHandler = eventHandler
	svr.ln = listener

    // 判断选择的轮训方式 默认是RoundRobin
	switch options.LB {
	case RoundRobin:
		svr.lb = new(roundRobinLoadBalancer)
	case LeastConnections:
		svr.lb = new(leastConnectionsLoadBalancer)
	case SourceAddrHash:
		svr.lb = new(sourceAddrHashLoadBalancer)

	svr.cond = sync.NewCond(&sync.Mutex{})
	if svr.opts.Ticker {
		svr.tickerCtx, svr.cancelTicker = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	svr.codec = func() ICodec {
		if options.Codec == nil {
			return new(BuiltInFrameCodec)
		return options.Codec

	server := Server{
		svr:          svr,
		Multicore:    options.Multicore,
		Addr:         listener.lnaddr,
		NumEventLoop: numEventLoop,
		ReusePort:    options.ReusePort,
		TCPKeepAlive: options.TCPKeepAlive,
	switch svr.eventHandler.OnInitComplete(server) {
	case None:
	case Shutdown:
		return nil
	// 开启svr的start
	if err := svr.start(numEventLoop); err != nil {
		svr.opts.Logger.Errorf("gnet server is stopping with error: %v", err)
		return err
	defer svr.stop(server)

	allServers.Store(protoAddr, svr)

	return nil

func (svr *server) start(numEventLoop int) error {
	if svr.opts.ReusePort || svr.ln.network == "udp" {
	    // 启动eventLoops的事件循环
		return svr.activateEventLoops(numEventLoop)

	return svr.activateReactors(numEventLoop)



func (svr *server) activateEventLoops(numEventLoop int) (err error) {
	var striker *eventloop
	// Create loops locally and bind the listeners.
	for i := 0; i < numEventLoop; i++ {
		ln := svr.ln
		if i > 0 && (svr.opts.ReusePort || ln.network == "udp") {
		    // 再次调用initListener这个方法 生成新的socket
			if ln, err = initListener(svr.ln.network, svr.ln.addr, svr.opts); err != nil {

		var p *netpoll.Poller
		if p, err = netpoll.OpenPoller(); err == nil {
		    // 实例化eventloop
			el := new(eventloop)
			el.ln = ln
			el.svr = svr
			el.poller = p
			el.buffer = make([]byte, svr.opts.ReadBufferCap)
			el.connections = make(map[int]*conn)
			el.eventHandler = svr.eventHandler
			// 添加监听的套接字
			// 注意这里的loopAccept是一个回调函数
			_ = el.poller.AddRead(el.ln.packPollAttachment(el.loopAccept))
			// 注册

			// Start the ticker.
			if el.idx == 0 && svr.opts.Ticker {
				striker = el
		} else {

	// Start event-loops in background.

	go striker.loopTicker(svr.tickerCtx)


然后 看一下 OpenPoller方法

// OpenPoller instantiates a poller.
func OpenPoller() (poller *Poller, err error) {
    // 创建poller实例
	poller = new(Poller)
    // 调用 epoll_create
	if poller.fd, err = unix.EpollCreate1(unix.EPOLL_CLOEXEC); err != nil {
		poller = nil
		err = os.NewSyscallError("epoll_create1", err)
    // 创建eventfd用来唤醒epoll
	if poller.wfd, err = unix.Eventfd(0, unix.EFD_NONBLOCK|unix.EFD_CLOEXEC); err != nil {
		_ = poller.Close()
		poller = nil
		err = os.NewSyscallError("eventfd", err)
	poller.wfdBuf = make([]byte, 8)
    // eventfd加入到监听中
	if err = poller.AddRead(&PollAttachment{FD: poller.wfd}); err != nil {
		_ = poller.Close()
		poller = nil
	// 实例化asyncTaskQueue和priorAsyncTaskQueue
	poller.asyncTaskQueue = queue.NewLockFreeQueue()
	poller.priorAsyncTaskQueue = queue.NewLockFreeQueue()

然后看一下loopAccept 这个方法

func (el *eventloop) loopAccept(_ netpoll.IOEvent) error {
	if el.ln.network == "udp" {
		return el.loopReadUDP(el.ln.fd)
    // 因为前面在initListener这里只运行了bind方法 所以这里accept
	nfd, sa, err := unix.Accept(el.ln.fd)
	if err != nil {
		if err == unix.EAGAIN {
			return nil
		el.getLogger().Errorf("Accept() fails due to error: %v", err)
		return os.NewSyscallError("accept", err)
	// 获取到了以后设置为非阻塞
	if err = os.NewSyscallError("fcntl nonblock", unix.SetNonblock(nfd, true)); err != nil {
		return err

	netAddr := socket.SockaddrToTCPOrUnixAddr(sa)
	if el.svr.opts.TCPKeepAlive > 0 && el.svr.ln.network == "tcp" {
		err = socket.SetKeepAlive(nfd, int(el.svr.opts.TCPKeepAlive/time.Second))
    // 根据套接字实例化连接
	c := newTCPConn(nfd, el, sa, netAddr)
	// 在epoll中添加监听
	if err = el.poller.AddRead(c.pollAttachment); err == nil {
		el.connections[c.fd] = c
		return el.loopOpen(c)
	return err

然后看一下 startEventLoops 这个方法

func (svr *server) startEventLoops() {
    // iterate 就是运行下面的方法
	svr.lb.iterate(func(i int, el *eventloop) bool {
		go func() {
		    // 调用loopRun
		return true

func (el *eventloop) loopRun(lockOSThread bool) {
	if lockOSThread {
		defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()

	defer func() {
	// 调用Polling 注意这里Polling里面传的是一个方法
	err := el.poller.Polling(func(fd int, ev uint32) (err error) {
	    // 注意里面这个连接有事件发生的时候
		if c, ok := el.connections[fd]; ok {
			// Don't change the ordering of processing EPOLLOUT | EPOLLRDHUP / EPOLLIN unless you're 100%
			// sure what you're doing!
			// Re-ordering can easily introduce bugs and bad side-effects, as I found out painfully in the past.

			// We should always check for the EPOLLOUT event first, as we must try to send the leftover data back to
			// client when any error occurs on a connection.
			// Either an EPOLLOUT or EPOLLERR event may be fired when a connection is refused.
			// In either case loopWrite() should take care of it properly:
			// 1) writing data back,
			// 2) closing the connection.
			if ev&netpoll.OutEvents != 0 && !c.outboundBuffer.IsEmpty() {
			    // 写事件
				if err := el.loopWrite(c); err != nil {
					return err
			// If there is pending data in outbound buffer, then we should omit this readable event
			// and prioritize the writable events to achieve a higher performance.
			// Note that the client may send massive amounts of data to server by write() under blocking mode,
			// resulting in that it won't receive any responses before the server read all data from client,
			// in which case if the socket send buffer is full, we need to let it go and continue reading the data
			// to prevent blocking forever.
			// 读事件
			if ev&netpoll.InEvents != 0 && (ev&netpoll.OutEvents == 0 || c.outboundBuffer.IsEmpty()) {
				return el.loopRead(c)
			return nil
		// 说明只是可以建立新的连接
		return el.loopAccept(ev)
	el.getLogger().Debugf("event-loop(%d) is exiting due to error: %v", el.idx, err)



// Polling blocks the current goroutine, waiting for network-events.
func (p *Poller) Polling(callback func(fd int, ev uint32) error) error {
	el := newEventList(InitPollEventsCap)
	var wakenUp bool

	msec := -1
	for {
	    // 使用epoll_wait
		n, err := unix.EpollWait(p.fd, el.events, msec)
		if n == 0 || (n < 0 && err == unix.EINTR) {
			msec = -1
		} else if err != nil {
			logging.Errorf("error occurs in epoll: %v", os.NewSyscallError("epoll_wait", err))
			return err
		msec = 0
        // 判断每个套接字的事件
		for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
			ev := &el.events[i]
            // 判断是不是唤醒的
			if fd := int(ev.Fd); fd != p.wfd {
				switch err = callback(fd, ev.Events); err {
				case nil:
				case errors.ErrAcceptSocket, errors.ErrServerShutdown:
					return err
					logging.Warnf("error occurs in event-loop: %v", err)
			} else { // poller is awaken to run tasks in queues.
				wakenUp = true
				_, _ = unix.Read(p.wfd, p.wfdBuf)
        // 进行唤醒
		if wakenUp {
			wakenUp = false
			task := p.priorAsyncTaskQueue.Dequeue()
			// 运行任务
			for ; task != nil; task = p.priorAsyncTaskQueue.Dequeue() {
				switch err = task.Run(task.Arg); err {
				case nil:
				case errors.ErrServerShutdown:
					return err
					logging.Warnf("error occurs in user-defined function, %v", err)
				// 放入任务
			for i := 0; i < MaxAsyncTasksAtOneTime; i++ {
				if task = p.asyncTaskQueue.Dequeue(); task == nil {
				switch err = task.Run(task.Arg); err {
				case nil:
				case errors.ErrServerShutdown:
					return err
					logging.Warnf("error occurs in user-defined function, %v", err)
			atomic.StoreInt32(&p.netpollWakeSig, 0)
			if (!p.asyncTaskQueue.Empty() || !p.priorAsyncTaskQueue.Empty()) && atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&p.netpollWakeSig, 0, 1) {
				for _, err = unix.Write(p.wfd, b); err == unix.EINTR || err == unix.EAGAIN; _, err = unix.Write(p.wfd, b) {

		if n == el.size {
		} else if n < el.size>>1 {

这里主要分析的是在reuse port的情况下,根据你开多少线程那么开多少个open poll,这样的话线程数量就是固定的,就不会出现goroutine暴增的情况,同时因为每次accept连接后,便会设置成了非阻塞的,并且不会阻塞在read和write这样的io事件上,通过这些行为保证了整个流程的高可用

到此这篇关于go语言 http模型reactor的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关go http模型reactor内容请搜索脚本之家以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持脚本之家!


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